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Autumn Winter 2013 Puppies Sandy 2013 Puppies Autumn 2013 Puppies

Chardonnay Puppies 2009

Chardonnay was bred to CH. Shamrock's Red Irish Bailey during the middle of June 2009.

Here is the X-ray taken on Thursday, August 6, 2009, the circles show the 5 yes 5 puppies.

This is Jack, the sire to the expected puppies.

Birth - whelped via a c-section there were 2 boys (Koloda and Mojito) and 3 girls (Daquiri, Sangria and Julep)

Puppy pile - Week 1

Just hanging around - Week 2

Eyes opened and walking towards the open gate - Week 3

The big boy, Mojito at Week 4

Feeding time or at least learning how to eat from a bowl - Week 5.

Cousin Autumn playing with Sangria - Week 6.

Playtime is just so much fun, but watch out for the sharp teeth - Week 7.

The final puppy pile - Week 8.